Top Quality Rust Stain Removal Performed in Little Falls, MN
I was contracted to remove this rust off of this customers house. I explained the process that Kossan Pressure Washing Services would take in removing a rust stain like this. I explained to the customer how we would not use pressure which could potentially damage the house and be inefficient in removing the stain, we would instead use a process called "soft washing" which involves using chemicals specifically designed for the application at a low pressure and then rinsing the entire substrate. By using this process we were able to effectively remove the rust stain off of the vinyl siding restoring it to a new look. Rust is often looked at as a stain that is permanent, however with the right procedures rust stains can be removed safely and effectively without damaging your house or substrate. Rust stains are most often caused by hard water hitting a substrate for prolonged periods of time, it is important to identify the problem in order to prevent the stain from reappearing on the surface.
Budget: $225
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